
Who's Who in sending money to Mexico: profeco

09 from December to 2019. The purpose of the program is to communicate both countrymen and citizens the best options for sending and receiving remittances Y remittances to Mexico, in order not to affect their pockets.

Who's Who in sending money; Logo
Who's Who in sending money; Logo

In order to help civilians who are abroad and send remittances to our country you, as well as to assist Mexican families in receipt of those resources, the Federal Attorney for Consumer (profeco), He presented on Monday for the first time Who's Who in sending money.

Who's Who in sending money
Who's Who in sending money

"It is estimated that this year received 35,500 millions of dollars. We're talking that the same as last year, it is 2.8% of the domestic product of our country. This indicates the importance to be given to the issue, and when these macroeconomic numbers contrast them with what really matters, microeconomics ", He explained the prosecutor.

What is the study Who's Who in sending money PROFECO

The aim of the exercise carried out by the profeco It is to report two important factors when making these types of shipments: which entities that charge fees are higher and lower, and what have the best exchange rate.

Who's Who in sending money; commissions
Who's Who in sending money; commissions

"In the committees it has been a bit erratic behavior, but right now we have a much more competitive than in 1999, what was it 0.7%, and 0.3% are ", He said Sheffield.

Holder PROFECO, Ricardo Sheffield Padilla.

According to the head of the PROFECO, the average fee charged for a shipment of 300 dollars went from 12.6 dollars in 1999 a 6.1 dollars in the 2019.

Winners and Losers

In the study conducted by the PROFECO, which will be disseminated and updated month by month, Sheffield Padilla said the United States was divided into three zones (Pacific coast, Central and East Coast) in order to guide and inform countrymen and their families about what are the alternatives that best suit when sending resources.

"We received the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (…) Apart from direct communication with all players and finding information through the same financial institutions ", He said the owner of the PROFECO.

Cloud Transfer Services and PagaPhone SmartPay the best options to send money to Mexico

According to what I sought, platforms Cloud Transfer Services Y PagaPhone SmartPay They were the best overlook when making remittance options, as, For each 300 dollars sent on average, Mexicans receive 5,859 pesos.

This amount already includes the collection of fees and exchange rate.

Western Union and Xoom which delivers lower weights

On the other hand, companies that are located in the last positions are Western Union, with 5,674 weights for the East Coast and Xoom, which it was the lower weights delivery, with 5,663 For each 300 dollars sent.

Santander, Inbursa, Bank Welfare, Banorte, Citibanamex and MoneyGram were other entities contemplated within the sampling carried out PROFECO.